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Sizing - Grading- Mechanical Sizers

Side Emptying Mechanical Sizer

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for your needs


Side Emptying Mechanical Sizer

The purpose of the machine is to sort the fruits based on their size. The machine is mainly used for the sorting of citrus fruits, being able to process even fruits with leaves. The machine consists of an inclined transportation belt carrying the fruits, and independent rotating drums (rollers). Each drum is calibrated through a calibration wheel attached on it, increasing or decreasing the distance between the drum and the belt. Depending on the calibration of each drum, the fruits are forwarded to each fruit tray as long as their diameter allows them to pass through the opening that has been created.

The number of the packing stations varies depending on customer's needs. Each station contains a fruit tray measuring 1200 mm x 1000 mm, lined with elastic material to avoid any damage of the fruits while, above the unit’s entire length, a shelf is installed where the empty boxes are placed. Also, to make it easier for the operator to fill the boxes, a working bench is installed under the fruit trays, where the operator can place the empty box for packaging.


Applies to

Citrus Fruits

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