

Brushing - Washing

Brushing - Polishing



Sizing - Grading

Conveyor Belts

Packaging - Storage




Brushing - Washing

Brushing - Polishing



Sizing - Grading

Conveyor Belts

Packaging - Storage

The purpose of the feeding machines is the smooth and safe feeding of products to the machines of the production line. Feeding can be done either automatically or manually.
The purpose of the sorting machines is the quality control of products before any further processing. Quality control is carried out manually by the operators.
The machines in this category use:
- Either specially made rotating brush systems, to wash and brush the products.
- Or rotating sponge systems, to drain the products.
The sizes of these machines depend on the type of products to be processed, but also on the customer's specifications.
Polishing machines are systems which have rotating brushes outfitted with natural horsehair as a main component, to achieve the polishing of the processed products. The sizes of these machines are configured depending on the type of products to be processed, but also on the customer's specifications.
The drying of the products is achieved by using a combination of rollers to transport them and a flow of dry, hot air coming out of a boiler-turbine system connected to the machine.
Waxing machines are systems with rotating brushes, which are equipped with a wax spraying mechanism creating a wax film coating on the products. The sizes of these machines are configured depending on the type of products to be processed, but also on the customer's specifications.
The main purpose of the graders/sizers is to classify products mainly according to their size. They can be divided into two main types, according to their principle of operation (mechanical or electronic).
- Mechanical sizers work mainly through mechanical calibration. The configuration of these sizers is linear, while classification is limited to product sizing.
- Electronic graders can be equipped with multiple electronic systems which, in addition to size classification, can also offer the ability to sort according to weight, color and quality. The configuration of the graders varies depending on the processed product and the required production volume. Graders that are configured specifically for some products, such as cucumber, cherry and watermelon are also included in this category.
Conveyor belts are flexible product conveyors. They can have various configurations, with multiple product entry and exit points and can have their length and width adjusted, according to the customer's requirements.
Packaging machines are usually belt systems, used either singularly for direct packaging of products in boxes or, creating loops so that the products coming out of graders (and/or other processing machines) can be packaged.
Weighing units are machines that weigh incoming products, and divide them into lots of different weights, according to the operator's choice. These machines use belts to transport products, as well as electronic components and automation, to weigh and separate them into lots.